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Modem is in use by another device

  • If fax or answerphone software is operational it may be controlling your modem resources. Close any fax or answerphone software. Some Compaq computers come preloaded with fax software that you may not even be aware is operating. Check with your computer supplier.

Modem is not responding

  • Go Start | Settings | Control Panel | Modems | Diagnostics and highlight your modem, then click More Info. A screen should come up with your modem properties. If the screen is blank or a dialog box comes up saying unable to detect a modem, you will most likely need to reinstall your modem software or modem. Unless you are experienced, a computer technician is the best person to carry this out.
  • Check that the correct modem is selected for dialling up. Go Start | Programs | Accessories | Dial-Up Networking. Then left click on the PlaNet icon and select Properties. Make sure that the modem selected is the correct modem.

There is no dial tone

  • Check that the cable runs from your modem to your phone jackpoint. Most modems have two sockets, marked Phone and Line. Plug the phone cable into the Line socket on the modem.
  • If you have call minder, clear any messages waiting on your phone.
  • Plug your telephone into the telephone jackpoint on the wall and check for a dial tone

The computer you are dialling does not answer

  • Are you dialling the correct phone number? 0867-75263 for metered accounts, and 0867-75555 for the flatrate account.
  • Dial the appropriate telephone number above with your telephone to see if it is answering at the Planet end. If the number is correct it should answer and you will get a sound like a fax screeching back at you. The flat rate system is often busy so you may get an engaged tone on this line.
  • Have you got call waiting? If yes then *52 should be added to your dial up number. If you haven’t got call waiting then remove *52 from the dial up number.

Incorrect Username (Login) or Password

  • Check that your Username (Login) and Password are correct. They are case sensitive. If you have a metered account there is normally a capital P in front of your Login (Username) if your account is older than 1999.

Unable to establish a connection check your network settings in the control panel

  • Go Start | Settings | Control Panel | Network and check you have one dial up adapter and one TCP/IP for the dial up adapter. You can remove additional ones by highlighting them and clicking on remove and restarting your computer.
  • The telephone line signal strength may be reduced by other devices connected to the phone line. Refer below.
  • Try locking down the modem connection speed. Refer to the disconnections page.

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